With charges in the death of Michael Jackson looming over his head, Dr. Conrad Murray sought out peace in an unlikely location -- Jackson's final resting place.
Murray showed up at Forest Lawn Memorial Park on Wednesday afternoon to visit the tomb of the man he may or may not have accidentally killed.
Murray was seen outside the mausoleum, but not inside.
da ii pare rau?? :))) k nu prea cred...
sau a facut asat k sa para dragutz si k ii pasa...
e doar un idiot
vroia sa isi ceara iertare??? nu ma fa sa rad oricum raul nu mai poate fi reparat important este ca micheal sa ramana mereu in inimile noastre
daaaa, dupa razboi multi vitezi se arata...asa si Murray dupa ce l-a omorat s-a dus sa-l planga, sa-i fie rusine, oricum o sa-l aiba pe constiinta, cred k se simte foarte vinovat:(
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