Fans assaulted the cinemas

On the 28th of October, on the first day of the "This is it" movie, millions of fans from all over the world assaulted the cinemas. Wanting to be sure, lovers reserved a seat long before the date: on the 27th of September. In London there were sold 30.000 tickets in 24 hours. They could see their idol for the last time. The fans were curious to see how the concert was beeing if the King Of Pop has been alive. They were very delighted with this film. Michael made us realise that we always have to give everything we have better inside us to succeed. How he was singing, moving, with so much energy! It was magic! And everything only for us, in order to offer him the love he needed.
"For me nothing is more important than making people happy, carry them off from their problems and worries, and helping them malcing their burden seem lighter. I want they leave from my shows telling: For me this is all about. But it's wonderful!" ( Michael Jackson)

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