This Is It

"I feel so alive!" A cruel irony of the fate of Michael Jackson was to say these words only few hours before his death.
"He sang 12 songs until the midnight. I have never seen him so happy. He was full of energy..." told the photographer Kevin Mazul, the one who stayed next to him in those moments, extremely pretious moments now. "During the breaks between the songs, he laughed and made jokes with the dancers and the producers, but he behaved as a professional. He did his job very well;he was incredible", says Kevin too.
The concerts in London announced to be unseen shows: special effects, huge puppets. Michael and Kenny Ortega, the director of the show, the one who later produced the ceremony at Staples Center, used to talk about "Smooth Criminal" and Michael was terible thrilled of the smokie special effect which accompanied the song.
Now, the concert can be seen only at the cinema beginning with the 28th on Octobre.

Movie Trailer:

Michael singing "Human Nature":

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