Peter Pen and Michael Jackson

Today i prepared you something more special. I feel the need to talk about Michael Jackson and Peter Pan. In the documentary "Living with Michael Jackson" M. pretends being Peter Pan. Let's discover why!

I think everyone knows the story of Peter Pan the boy who never grew up. So, Michael wanted to remain a child to have the childhood which he had never had, not to grow up and see how is the world, to have all the problems he had. This is the first reason why Michael loved Peter Pan and wanted to be like him. Who doesn't want to fly all day long or have his/her own island? Michael, with a child's heart created his world, Neverland.
Captain Hook is the enemy of Peter. In MJ's case the enemy is the media, the society.

"Our childhoods were supposed to always last
Our dreams are suppose to keep us alive
And since we stopped believing in our imaginations,
We had to destroy anyboby who didn't give up on theirs"
( Apollo Poetry)


mj4ever said...

i love peter pan...michael was like him...INNOCENT

lovemj said...

i think it;s great mj was like a kid so sweet :x i love him so much